What is CBD?
Until recently, THC was king of the cannabinoids. Then cannabis science started revealing the healing benefits of CBD, another well-known compound of the cannabis plant. With its popularity growing many are left to wonder what is CBD and how can it improve life?
Cannabidiol (CBD), one of more than one hundred known cannabinoids found in the hemp and marijuana plant, was discovered in 1940. Since then it has gained the attention of the general population as a possible treatment for a variety of common ailments. It differs from THC because it’s not psychoactive. In fact, it’s known to counteract the psychoactive effects of THC. Therefore, cannabis experts recommend keeping a bottle of it handy as a precautionary measure for overdoing it with THC.
What Makes it Special?
There’s something special about the way cannabidiol works with the endocannabinoid system inside humans and pets. It’s a key that unlocks a balance that the body is always striving to be in, homeostasis. Cannabis science is lacking the clinical trials that would be necessary to verify the claims everyday people are making about CBD, nevertheless, it’s obvious that the cannabinoid is the darling of the cannabis industry.
It helps prevent the breakdown of the body’s natural endocannabinoid system, allowing the body to heal itself. Additionally, it changes the shape of the CB1 receptor to prevent THC from binding to it. This results in a better experience free from the unwanted anxiety that a THC dominant outcome may provide.
What is CBD Actually Going to Help With?
It is an anti-inflammatory with known antiseptic properties. The way it interacts with other bodily systems has people using it for relief of pain, skin conditions, anxiety, mood, sleep, eating, and movement disorders.
People who use CBD swear by it to cure whatever ails them. Those numbers translate into sales statistics that don’t lie and are estimated to reach 1.8 billion US dollars by 2022. One reason it’s so popular is that it’s been unregulated and available nationwide, unlike cannabis which is still illegal under federal law.
Make Sure Your CBD is Clean
There’s one way to know for sure that you’re ingesting clean CBD, buy it from a licensed cannabis dispensary. Licensed dispensaries can only sell lab tested and certified compliant cannabis products. This protects you from pesticides, heavy metals, and solvents that are typically found in untested products. Another benefit of the lab-tested product is that it will most likely be coming from female marijuana as opposed to hemp. When it’s derived from marijuana it will likely have a higher THC level than the 3% found in hemp and a much more diverse terpene profile.
Consider a lab-tested and compliant CBD brand to improve mobility, rest, relaxation and your way of life. Our knowledgeable staff at Haven is ready to discuss your needs and lifestyle to fit you with the right products.
Mark Davis (2019, June) What Is CBD? Retrieved from https://www.livescience.com/65811-what-is-cbd.html
Matej Mikulic (2019, August) Total U.S. cannabidiol (CBD) consumer sales 2014-2022 Retrieved from https://www.statista.com/statistics/760498/total-us-cbd-sales/
Kyle Dukes (2019, May) A CBD Case Study: Surprising test results from 12 ‘legal’ hemp CBD products Retrieved from https://torreyholistics.com/12-legal-hemp-cbd-products/