CBD oil side effects

CBD Oil Side Effects

CBD oil is derived from hemp or marijuana and it’s the rising star of the cannabis industry. Furthermore, it’s one of the most well-known cannabinoids in the cannabis plant that isn’t psychoactive. This cannabinoid can stand alone, be made into a tincture or included in cannabis-infused formulations for vapes, edibles, and topicals. Whatever the application, CBD is usually associated with health and wellness. Therefore, it’s important to spend some time exploring CBD oil side effects and how to avoid them.

Know What’s in your CBD Oil

It’s important to know what’s in your cannabis product to avoid unwanted CBD oil side effects. CBD derived from unregulated hemp can be full of toxins from the soil it was grown in. Many of the products found online or in a neighborhood liquor store are potentially unregulated and of questionable quality. It’s important to shop at a licensed cannabis dispensary.

There you’ll be introduced to a wide selection of lab tested and compliant CBD products. Starting with a clean product is the first step toward avoiding any kind of bad reaction. Lab-tested products will provide formula insights on the label. Legitimate cannabis brands routinely adhere to a process of transparency by making lab test results available to consumers.

What Does Science Say?cbd oil

Clinical trials are underway, however they are sparse. Additionally, they focus on high dose CBD oil for treating childhood epilepsy. So far, these studies revealed no severe side effects of CBD. However, people may experience minor symptoms while finding their therapeutic dose. Once the dose is stabilized, the discomfort should subside.

These minor side effects include digestive upset, lack of appetite, feeling tired, and the possibility of altering liver enzymes. Nonetheless, all of these conditions can be improved by reducing the dose or changing to a different product.

Other Possible CBD Side Effects

CBD acts like grapefruit by occupying enzymes that are needed to process the pharmaceutical drug. This can affect how much of the drug actually makes it into the bloodstream, therefore, altering the patient’s outcome. People that are prescribed drugs with a warning against taking with grapefruit should consult their physician before ingesting CBD.

CBD needs to be treated like any other product you decide to ingest. Do your research and be confident that your CBD oil product is legitimate and free from pesticides, heavy metals, and solvents. Expect some minor side effects that will diminish once the optimal dose is stabilized. Moreover, consult a doctor if there is any concern that CBD may conflict with any existing pharmaceutical protocol.

At Haven, we can hook you up with the best CBD oil products on the market. Our knowledgeable staff is ready to take the guesswork out of your process and help you achieve your cannabis goals.

Foria (2019, August) CBD Oil: Risks, Side Effects And What You Need To Know Retrieved from https://www.foriawellness.com/blogs/learn/cbd-oil-risks-side-effects-safety-contraindications

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